Fort Bend County MUD 185 – Trail Extension and Park Bench Addition
Fort Bend County Municipal Utility District No. 185 (“the District”) has begun construction of a trail extension project near the Falcon Landing Boulevard bridge. The project will connect the existing sidewalk on the south side of the roadway with the existing trail system around the detention pond adjacent to the bayou on the north side of the roadway. Once construction of the trail extension is complete, residents will be able to access the trails around the detention pond by crossing under the Falcon Landing Boulevard bridge instead of crossing the roadway itself, which does not have a dedicated traffic signal for pedestrian crossings.
The scope of the current construction project consists of approximately 510 linear feet of a 5’ wide concrete paved trail extension connecting to the existing trails and running down the bayou side slopes, along with approximately 350 linear feet of a 10’ wide concrete paved trail along the bayou and connecting to the existing concrete pavement underneath the Falcon Landing Boulevard bridge. Pedestrian guardrails will be installed along the pavement under the bridge as an additional safety measure. In addition, the project scope includes installation of four new benches along the existing trail system around the detention pond.
Project Specifics
General Petro Chem Industrial, Inc. – 281-482-4694
District Engineer
BGE, Inc.
Nick Bailey (District Engineer) – 832-444-5923;
Ben Allen (Construction Engineer) – 713-632-4744;
Construction Schedule
A notice to procced was issued on August 4. The contractor expects to be substantially complete with construction by the end of September.
Cost and Funding
The total construction cost of the project is $109,260.18 and is being funded from the District’s general operating account. The District has entered into an interlocal agreement with Fort Bend County under which the county will reimburse the District for 50% of all project-related costs, including construction costs, upon completion of construction.